Community Partners - Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Community Partners

Community Partners

We work with a number of community partners who engage with vulnerable adults e.g. those who are socially isolated, live in areas of deprivation or need extra help due to unemployment.

If there is a skills-need and the client group meets our criteria for funding, we can run free short bespoke courses.

We have worked with organisations from statutory and voluntary sectors including Jobcentreplus, supported housing organisations, food banks, mental health organisations, charities and local community groups

Please email us to find out more

What our community partners say about us:

“I am quite new to Bucks Floating Support so today was the first time I engaged with an adult education course. I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the experience and I had a real feel good factor when I looked around the room and saw our customers (and the staff and support workers) all smiling and laughing” Bucks Floating Support

“I would like to thank everyone that helped with these workshops. And even though attendance was low I know that certain residents have gained so much. One in particular who finds it hard to leave his room and suffers with poor mental health. Attending the workshops has been a big step forward for him” YMCA

“Buckinghamshire Adult Learning staff treats everyone as individuals and they take into account all health conditions presented. They have made it possible for them to attend and complete courses that customers would otherwise struggle with. They are solution focussed in that they also create valuable learning sessions tailored to meet our customers’ needs which is a resource that ultimately enables individuals to move closer to employment” JCP

Mind Buckinghamshire  (

Aylesbury Women’s Aid (   

Lindengate (

Prevention Matters

High Wycombe YMCA