Inspection Results - Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Inspection Results

Inspection Results, Awards and Surveys

OFSTED Inspection

In May 2024 we had a full Ofsted inspection and we were awarded a ‘Good’ grade, highlighting Outstanding aspects of our provision:

  • The quality of education – Good
  • Education programmes for young people – Good
  • Adult learning programmes – Outstanding
  • Apprenticeships – Good

Some of the key points taken from this latest report highlight the strength of the teaching and support provided:

  • Learners and apprentices are very respectful of one another. They benefit from studying in an inclusive environment.
  • Learners receive teaching that supports them to make positive progress. As a result, most achieve and move on to positive destinations at the end of their courses.
  • Leaders and teachers make sure adult learners overcome any barriers to learning and develop the knowledge and skills they need to improve their life chances.
  • Teachers are highly accomplished at teaching lessons face-to-face and online and staff are highly experienced in the subjects they teach.

Read the full 2024 Ofsted report here.

In November 2019, we completed a short inspection by Ofsted and maintained our ‘good’ grade. Inspectors found Buckinghamshire Adult Learning to offer the following impact to our learners:

  • Learners develop positive relationships through their participation on adult learning programmes. Single parents and newcomers to the county value the social networks they create on family learning courses. As a result, many learners progress together as groups onto new courses.
  • Learners develop a passion for learning as they acquire the ability to speak and write more fluently in the English language. They use these new skills to apply for work and access local services.
  • Learners with high needs on internships with the local hospital and a large hotel chain make rapid and significant gains in personal confidence. They become valued members of the workforce.
  • Learners gain a deeper appreciation and respect for the values of different cultures through their involvement in adult learning. Younger learners have been encouraged to register to vote following classroom discussions about the importance of democracy in Britain.
  • Learners feel safe and well supported while with the service. Tutors go the extra mile to keep the most vulnerable learners on courses through actions such as providing them with vouchers to local food banks.

They also found that adult learning leaders and managers, “work very effectively with other sections of the council, external partners and employers to deliver a curriculum that addresses the main strategic priorities of the council. Newly developed internship and traineeship programmes for young people leaving special schools and the care system make a significant contribution to the council’s priority to enable them to thrive and be safe”.

Read the full Ofsted report here.

Read Buckinghamshire Adult Learning’s Self Assessment Report 2018-19 here.


During November 2015 we completed a full inspection by Ofsted and received an overall grade of ‘good’, with each of the six contributory grades (including Leadership and Management; Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Outcomes for Learners, and Personal Development, Behaviours and Well-being) also being rated as ‘good’.

The main focus of the inspection was the impact adult learning has on their learners, and some of the key points from the report were:

  • Overwhelmingly, learners are positive about their learning and take much pride in their progress. Most learners develop high levels of confidence and self-belief in their own achievements.
  • Standards of learners’ work are at least good and in many cases outstanding. For example, on leisure courses, learners produce artefacts of intricacy and beauty that often exceed their initial aspirations and expectations. Language learners develop good communication skills and increase their confidence.
  • Learners benefit greatly from good quality teaching, learning and assessment that motivate and develop their skills beyond their initial expectations.
  • Learners gain great satisfaction from attending lessons in a friendly and respectful environment that ensures that they all have equal opportunities to contribute and grow.
  • Tutors are well qualified and experienced; they ensure that lessons are lively and engaging and that learners participate enthusiastically.

Please visit the OFSTED website for the full report or read it here: BALOfstedReport2015.pdf

Employer Satisfaction Survey

Buckinghamshire Adult Learning was ranked 6th out of 37 local authority training providers in the Employer Satisfaction survey conducted by the Education and Skills Funding Agency in 2018/19. 38 employers with whom we were working responded with a final score of 81% and 79% of them stating that they would be likely to recommend us.

The full results of the survey can be found here:

Matrix - Quality standard for information advice & guidance services.


In June 2019 we were successfully reassessed against the Matrix Standard, which is the national quality standard for educational organisations that deliver information, advice and guidance. We received our accreditation, which lasts for three years, for providing a high quality service to our learners. The Matrix assessor was extremely positive about the service and was particularly impressed by the focus on continuous quality improvement.

The Matrix report concludes that: “The overall impression from this Accreditation Review is of an organisation that is highly focused upon raising standards and achievements, with quality IAG support central to each and every learner. The full range of delivery staff continually demonstrated IAG practices that are reaching out, motivating and equipping the diverse communities of Buckinghamshire with enhanced life chances and a talent pipeline of individuals with the skills, behaviours and confidence to enable progression into jobs and careers.”

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