Early Years Keeping In Touch Newsletter - Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Early Years Keeping In Touch Newsletter

Keeping in Touch with Family Learning- Early Years Edition - Issue 23 - December 2022

Hello, we hope you are keeping well. As we near the end of the year we would like to thank you for your continued support for Family Learning. We really love sharing ideas with you and seeing you at our sessions. We look forward to seeing you in 2023!

Share a Book



One Snowy Night – snuggle up and listen to this story all about a tale of woodland animals looking for warmth one winter’s night. It’s a story about friendship. Think  bout what questions you could ask support this story, ranging from animals, gifts and the moral of the story. Who would you give a gift to?

Busy Fingers

paintbrush and paints



To support fine motor skills try and make an eco-decoration for a Christmas tree. Find twigs and place in a star or triangle shape, tie the corners together and decorate. You could decorate by adding pieces of foil, recycle some wrapping paper, spare pieces of ribbon or leave to let nature shine.


cartoon green tree



Does your child know where the animals go in winter to get warm and snuggly? Have a talk to them about animals who hibernate or sleep through the winter. In this story Sarah and Duck talks about tortoises. You could even make your own den with blankets and pillows to snuggle down.

Get Active

Bicycle cartoon



Get wrapped up and go for a lovely winter walk. Walking supports gross motor skills, mental health and boosts our immune system. A brisk 10-minute walk or more counts. If you would like an idea of where to go, the Bucks Family Information page gives a few ideas for Family Friendly Walks.

Useful Websites of the Week

BBC Tiny Happy People a great site for advice, activities and support for parents/carers for children.

Free Family Learning Early Years Online and Face-to-face Courses Starting January 2023

For Parents and Carers of Children Aged 2 to 4 years

PLAY AND LEARN – Parent and Child

Support your child’s learning and discover how they can develop through play. Choose from:

PLAY AND LEARN – Support your 3 and 4 year-old with Pre-writing Skills (Online)

Through play children learn about the world and themselves. Play improves thinking, social and emotional wellbeing of children.

  • Thursday 19th January at Online at 9:30am – 11:30am

Booking is essential. To enrol visit our website. For more information on the workshop please contact Sarah 0782 862029.

BUSY FINGERS – Parent and Child

Children learn best by doing. Learn how to use things found in your home to support your child’s finger strength, through simple and fun craft, construction, messy play and mark-making activities.

BUSY FINGERS – Supporting your 3 to 4 year-old Learn Through Play (Online)

Children learn best by doing. Learn how to build your child’s finger strength, hand-eye co-ordination and grip strength in readiness for writing.

  • Tuesday 17th January Online 9:30am – 11.30am