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Garden and Planting Design – Low Maintenance – Workshop (2 consecutive days)
£49.00 Amersham ALC
Tue 27-May-2025
(Weeks) 1
(Sessions) Evening
(Course Time:) 19:00 - 21:30
AvailableWhat will I learn? The course aims to help you to choose the right plants to improve and re-design your gardens. During the course you will consider:● Plant choices.● Main elements of low-maintenance garden design.● Planting ideas to remove work.● Ground cover planting and weed control.● Drought, wind, pest and disease resistant planting. Is this […]
Practical Gardening
£102.00 Amersham ALC
Wed 04-Jun-2025
(Weeks) 6
(Sessions) Afternoon
(Course Time:) 13:00 - 15:00
AvailableWhat will I learn? The course covers three main areas of practical gardening: • Sustainable Kitchen Gardening.• Plant Botany.• Identification.During the course learners will cover:• The assessment and choice of sites for crops and ornamental plants.• The organization of propagation of plants for a range of plants, including seeds, cuttings and grafting.• After care of […]
Interior Design for the Home – Online Short Course
£76.50 Online
Thu 05-Jun-2025
(Weeks) 6
(Sessions) Morning
(Course Time:) 10:00 - 11:30
AvailableWhat will I learn? In this course you will learn the tricks of the interior design trade. You will understand how designers use simple methods to make spaces seem bigger, brighter, smaller, more cosy or simply more exciting. During six 90-minute online sessions we will uncover the “tricks of the trade” using your own projects […]
Upholstery for Beginners and Improvers
£158.20 Highcrest ALC, High Wycombe
Thu 05-Jun-2025
(Weeks) 6
(Sessions) Afternoon
(Course Time:) 13:00 - 16:00
AvailableWhat will I learn? Through demonstration and project work, you will complete small pieces of upholstery or continue larger projects. You will be encouraged to work safely and share their experience. Assessment will be ongoing throughout the course through observation and continual feedback on individual pieces of work. Group discussion and one to one sessions […]
Introduction to Wood Carving – Workshop
£56.75 Amersham ALC
Sat 07-Jun-2025
(Weeks) 1
(Sessions) Morning
(Course Time:) 10:00 - 16:30
AvailableWhat will I learn? Learn how to carve and grasp the opportunity to experience the creativity and joy of woodcarving. Be guided by your tutor as you learn the stages and work towards producing your own carving.This one-day workshop will give you a brief introduction to the basics of woodcarving, the tools used, and the […]