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Polish Upper-Intermediate – Module 2
£170.00 Highcrest ALC, High Wycombe
Mon 13-Jan-2025
(Weeks) 10
(Sessions) Evening
(Course Time:) 19:00 - 21:00
AvailableWhat will I learn? This course is a great opportunity to learn the Polish language and build on previous knowledge and skills, with opportunities to progress further. This course will give you a sound understanding of the language at your level and develop confidence in communication. During this course you will:• develop your speaking, listening, […]
Russian Basics – Workshop
£53.90 Amersham ALC
Sat 15-Mar-2025
(Weeks) 1
(Sessions) Morning
(Course Time:) 10:00 - 15:30
AvailableWhat will I learn? This course aims to introduce you to Russian within a small range of everyday topics and situations and to offer an insight into the life and culture of Russia.All groups will have a mixture of learners. Whichever level class you join you will find that people learn in different ways and […]
Polish Upper-Intermediate – Module 3
£170.00 Highcrest ALC, High Wycombe
Mon 28-Apr-2025
(Weeks) 10
(Sessions) Evening
(Course Time:) 19:00 - 21:00
AvailableWhat will I learn? This course is a great opportunity to learn the Polish language and build on previous knowledge and skills, with opportunities to progress further. This course will give you a sound understanding of the language at your level and develop confidence in communication. During this course you will:• develop your speaking, listening, […]