Employers - Buckinghamshire Adult Learning



Would you be interested in hiring an apprentice?

No matter how small or large your organisation, the investment in skills development will motivate your employees and your workplace will in turn become more effective, productive and competitive.

Whether you are looking to invest in the future of your business by recruiting an apprentice or furthering the skills of your existing staff, Buckinghamshire Adult Learning can help you.

View our range of Apprenticeships or download our Apprenticeship brochure.

More information about taking on an apprentice can be found here: www.gov.uk/take-on-an-apprentice and here: Employer guide to apprenticeships

The key benefits

There are currently over 100,000 employers offering Apprenticeships in over 190 job roles across a wide range of industry sectors (apprenticeships.org.uk website, 2012).

Supporting an apprentice can benefit your business in many ways, including:

  • Improved skills and productivity in your workplace
  • Reduced recruitment and training costs
  • Relevant and productive training – apprentices work as they learn
  • A more motivated workforce
  • Increased competitiveness and reduced staff turnover
  • You may be eligible to receive a funding grant

Interested in offering an Apprenticeship?

    The basic facts

    Apprenticeships are offered at different levels making them appropriate for a wide group of people. This route is now regarded by many businesses as a popular alternative to higher education such as traditional degree qualifications.

    Buckinghamshire Adult Learning offers three levels of Apprenticeships:

    • Intermediate Apprenticeship at Level 2
    • Advanced Apprenticeship at Level 3
    • Higher Apprenticeship at Levels 4/5

    How Apprenticeships are changing

    The new apprenticeship reforms are being driven by Government and are redefining the shape of the apprenticeship system to meet the needs of the fast changing economy. Since April 2017, all employers operating in the UK, with an annual pay bill over £3million, have been required to contribute to a new apprenticeship levy. In return, new apprenticeship reforms mean you will have more opportunity to directly drive the skills and training you need for your business.

    Giving employers control in designing apprenticeships

    • Developed by employers, for employers.

    Simplifying the funding system

    • Employers control how and where their funding is spent.

    Developing skills to match workplace requirements

    • Increasing the effectiveness of training.

    Information for employers

    What are the changes?

    Changes to the way apprenticeships are funded come into force on 6th April 2017 in the form of a new apprenticeship levy, which will be applied to all employers with an annual wage bill greater than £3 million.

    Buckinghamshire Adult Learning is committed to helping all employers (Levy and non-Levy payers) to understand the Levy and the apprenticeship reforms which are taking place. We will help all employers to make the transition to the new arrangements.

    What is the Apprenticeship Levy?

    All employers with an annual wage bill greater than £3million will be expected to pay a 0.5% tax on their payroll.

    What about SMEs that do not have to pay the levy?

    For non-levy paying employers government funding will cover between 95%-100% of the apprentices training costs.

    What can levy funds pay for?

    Funds can pay for apprenticeship training and assessment.

    They cannot pay for apprentices’ wages, travel or subsidiary costs, managerial costs, work placements, traineeships or the costs of setting up an apprenticeship programme.

    How will the apprenticeship levy be collected?

    The levy will be collected every month through the PAYE system alongside income tax and national insurance contributions.

    The first time eligible employers will have to declare their liability to HMRC will be in May 2017 for levy due on their April payroll.

    Levy-paying employers will be able to see corresponding funds in a dedicated digital account shortly after their final declaration to HMRC.

    What will employers get back?

    Employers in England will be able to reclaim their levy contributions as digital vouchers to pay for training apprentices. Unspent funds in an employer’s digital account will expire after 18 months.

    Employers that pay the levy will also receive a 5% top-up from Government to their total monthly contributions in England dependent on the age of the apprentice.

    Will there be any extra financial support?

    Employers who take on an apprentice aged 16-18 will receive an incentive to help meet the extra costs of employing them.

    The same additional payment will be made to employers who take on apprentices with either an education and healthcare plan provided by the local authority or those who have been in local authority care and are aged 19-24.

    The additional payment is £1,000 which will be staged at different periods during the apprentice training.

    Apprenticeship – Additional Payments for Employers

    The employer will receive an additional £1000 payment towards additional costs associated with training if, at the start of the apprenticeship training the apprentice is:

    • Aged between 16-18 years old; or
    • Aged between 19-24 years old and has either an Education, health and care plan (EHCP) provided by their local authority and /or has been in the care of the local authority.

    £1000 paid in 2 instalments £500 paid after 90 days of the apprentice being on the programme and the remaining £500 will be paid towards their completion of the programme.

    If you are interested in finding out more or need advice on Apprenticeships, please contact Adult Learning Apprenticeships on 01296 674449 or email inbusiness@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

    Levy Process

    Stage 1

    Employer recruits / flags apprentice (either new recruit or internal staff member)

    Employer selects provider from Digital Apprenticeship service (DAS) or chosen provider

    Initial negotiations take place, when non-levy employers will contribute and who the EPA will be

    Stage 2

    Provider and employer agree delivery arrangements – sign written agreement with is a legal contract

    Levied employer flags new apprentice/s on DAS – prompts payment to provider

    Non-levy – invoicing process between provider and employer. Evidence trail for SFA (Skills Funding Agency) audit

    Stage 3

    Provider/ Employer Provider establishes course programme and on-programme resources

    Sets up ILR registration, including cash contribution (from non-levy paying employers)

    Individual Learning Record (ILR) and DAS changes prompts the SFA funding

    Stage 4

    End point assessment (EPA) when apprentice reaches the ‘gateway’

    Provider pays EPA organisation from levy funds

    EPA organisation certificates apprenticeship

    Possible EQA (External Quality Assurance) requirements