Y1&2 Support Your Child with Maths (Shape, Data and Measure)
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning Team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s maths skills and knowledge, through child-friendly activities. You will look at how shape, data and measure is taught in school and how it is used to apply number skills. You […]
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning Team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s knowledge and understanding of phonics and support reading through child-friendly activities. You will explore how children are taught phonics, and how knowledge, and confidence, of phonics will improve their early […]
Y10&11 Help Your Child Cope with Stress and Anxiety Workshop
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE workshop is being delivered by the Family Learning team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s wellbeing and learn about where you can find support. You will look at what stress and anxiety are and explore strategies to help your child deal with these. You will […]
Y10&11 Help Your Child to Develop Confidence and Resilience Workshop
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This workshop is being delivered by the Family Learning team. It is a FREE workshop which will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s well-being through child-friendly activities. You will explore ways to build your child’s confidence and self -esteem, improving their resilience, both at school and home. You will […]
Y3,4,5&6 Happy, Healthy and Safe Online-tips to Help Your Child
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning team. It will give you practical ideas to help your child to stay happy, healthy, and safe online, through child-friendly activities. You will explore ways to encourage conversation with your child about the online world and discover information to help you […]
Y3&4 Support Your Child with Maths (Geometry, Statistics and Measurement)
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning Team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s maths skills and knowledge, through child-friendly activities. You will look at how shape, data and measure is taught in school and how it is used to apply number skills. You […]
Y3&4 Support Your Child with Maths (Geometry, Statistics and Measurement)
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning Team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s maths skills and knowledge, through child-friendly activities. You will look at how shape, data and measure is taught in school and how it is used to apply number skills. You […]
Y3&4 Support Your Child with Maths (Geometry, Statistics and Measurement)
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning Team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s maths skills and knowledge, through child-friendly activities. You will look at how shape, data and measure is taught in school and how it is used to apply number skills. You […]
Y5&6 Support Your Child with Maths – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
0 Available seats
What will I learn? This FREE course is being delivered by the Family Learning team. It will give you practical ideas to improve your child’s maths skills and knowledge, through child-friendly activities. You will look at how fractions, decimals and percentages are taught in school, the current methods used, as well as the curriculum and […]