What will I learn? Crochet is an increasingly popular craft that combine the joy of making with improved well-being through mindful activity. Whilst much can be gleaned from watching videos online or reading books, the various ‘languages’ of crochet from all over the world can be very confusing, making learning difficult to master alone, and […]
What will I learn? Crochet is an increasingly popular craft that combine the joy of making with improved well-being through mindful activity. Whilst much can be gleaned from watching videos online or reading books, the various ‘languages’ of crochet from all over the world can be very confusing, making learning difficult to master alone, and […]
What will I learn? Crochet is an increasingly popular craft that combine the joy of making with improved well-being through mindful activity. Whilst much can be gleaned from watching videos online or reading books, the various ‘languages’ of crochet from all over the world can be very confusing, making learning difficult to master alone, and […]
What will I learn? Our crochet workshop will teach you the delicate art of crocheting, a lifelong skill that you will use to make beautiful items for yourself and others. During the course you will learn: • How to hold the yarn and hook• Make a crochet chain stitch and slip stitch• Work Double Crochet […]
What will I learn? Our crochet workshop will teach you the delicate art of crocheting, a lifelong skill that you will use to make beautiful items for yourself and others. During the course you will learn: • How to hold the yarn and hook• Make a crochet chain stitch and slip stitch• Work Double Crochet […]
What will I learn? Our crochet workshop will teach you the delicate art of crocheting, a lifelong skill that you will use to make beautiful items for yourself and others. During the course you will learn: • How to hold the yarn and hook• Make a crochet chain stitch and slip stitch• Work Double Crochet […]
How will I know that my skills have improved? At the start, you will decide (with help from your tutor) what you want to get out of the course. You will have the opportunity to review your progress and at the end of the course you will have the chance to reflect on what you […]