June 2020
We have set up an Online Art Exhibition to showcase the excellent work our learners have created this year and during lockdown through online learning. Please do send in any photos of your work and we will add it to the exhibition. Please send the photos (with your name and course code) to: bucksadultlearningmarketing@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Learners from our sewing courses at Highcrest Adult Learning Centre have been busy supporting health workers by making laundry bags, headbands and knitted hearts for Covid-19 patients. The knitted and crochet hearts are given to families separated by restrictions to hospital visiting during the covid crisis, one heart is given to the patient in hospital […]
Sadly, due to Covid-19 we have had to postpone the annual Adult Learning Awards celebration. We still hope to be able to do something in October to celebrate those who have really gone above and beyond this academic year. If you feel that your tutor, LSA, Assessor or Volunteer deserves to be recognised for their […]
English tutor Nick Andrews worked with other staff to create a wonderful collection of writing by some of his learners this year. Precious writes about her job as a carer during the Covid outbreak, another learner describes working in a supermarket. Elizabe describes the lower Alentejo region of Portugal in a brooding and evocative style. […]
We are conducting a survey with our previous learners to find out the value that Buckinghamshire Adult Learning has given them and how they have benefitted from their course. If you are current learner with us, you will be asked to to complete an end of course survey but if you would also like to […]
We are pleased to be able to offer you a programme of online and face-to-face, short courses this August. These courses include Indian Cookery, French for Beginners (Intensive), Drawing and Painting, Yoga and Yoga with Alexander Technique, Pilates , Pottery and Tai Chi. Missenden Abbey Walled Garden is due to open in early July and has agreed that we can offer our […]
A blended course of online and face-to-face sessions If you need to achieve English Functional Skills Level 1 or Level 2 this summer, then our intensive course could be just what you’re looking for. The course runs over four weeks from week commencing 3 August to week ending 28 August. It is free for learners […]
Places are still available on our free* online, one-hour Employability Workshops. Completing Application Forms – Monday 13 July,10-11am and Tuesday 25 August, 1-2pm Preparing for Interviews – Monday 20 July, 10-11am and Tuesday 1 September, 1-2pm Video Interview Dos and Don’ts – Monday 27 July, 10-11am and Tuesday 8 September, 1-2pm Job Searching Online – […]
The Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Supported Internship programme has a rich talent pool of interns who are leaving the programme at the end of June. The interns have over 600 hours of meaningful work experience in administration, catering, conferencing and are currently seeking local job opportunities. Caitlin has recently completed her internship this June and has […]
Do you lack confidence when using a computer at home or for work? These fully funded* online courses are tutor-led and run at Entry 3 and Level 1. Courses cover: using devices, solving problems, buying and communicating online, creating, saving and editing documents and staying safe – to help you feel more confident and make […]